Search Experience Testing

Search Experience Testing

Understand why and where users click on search features to increase your click through rates.

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What Is Search Experience Testing?

Search experience testing gathers real world data on how your target customers are using search.

Similar to website user testing, user interactions are recorded as users complete a search task of your choosing.

The videos are then logged and analysed by our team of experienced search marketers to generate a report, filled with insights you won't be able to find from any other tool or service.

This will help you gain a deeper understanding of what matters to your users and what is making them click.

Use this data to improve your search experience, beat the competition and generate greater returns from your search budgets.

Book a call to discuss testing for your website

  • Who is winning the click & conversion

    in your market? 

  • Discover the Click Triggers

    on the SERP's in your market

  • Which competitor

    is performing best?


What are the deliverables?

Search Engine Testing delivers both qualitative and quantitative data.

User videos with commentary provide insights into real users engaging with the SERP's. What do they click and why?

Barracuda professionals analyse the videos to generate qualitative data with real insights and trends. How influential is position to get the click? What elements and features within the SERP's are getting clicks? How are users engaging with AI results?

We'll show you trends for your target search terms that were only visible previously to Google or Bing.

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Trusted by leading brands


Website User Testing

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